> In terms of a design library that matches the style of the web UI we’ve been working on, Bootstrap would be a great choice: https://bootstrap-vue.js.org  

We agree to use Bootstrap-Vue for the Vue framework rewrite. Bootstrap-Vue does not have an icon library and refers to third-party sources. Since we are already using the Carbon Design System icons, can we agree to continue to use them?

> However, I wonder if we could find a happy medium between the two styles? I’ve been looking for websites that have elements of both style preferences -- that include the more modern look (larger elements, rounded corners, light colors), with the more stable look (dark colors, square elements) – and found these great examples:
>- Invision App’s website https://www.invisionapp.com/
>- Visual Studio Code website https://code.visualstudio.com/
>- GitHub website https://github.com/ 

Thank you for sending the site examples. They are great examples of well-designed user interfaces. Although the proposed Intel UI updates provide some pattern improvements, the overall layout and design changes don't feel as polished as the examples you shared. We believe more collaboration is needed to improve the design and implementation of the proposed changes to meet both Intel's and IBM's needs.

A little over a year ago, we developed an OpenBMC style guide to make it easier for designers and developers to contribute to the project. We built a living style guide prototype, but Ed's concern about who would develop and maintain the guide kept it from moving forward. The inconsistency and lack of code reuse throughout the application is the result of not having this documentation.

OpenBMC Style Guide: 

OpenBMC Style Guide Prototype: 

As we rewrite the application in Vue, we have an opportunity to create this documentation and assure that the OpenBMC UI is clean, maintainable, and adheres to an agreed-upon set of values. Since joining the project, you have been working alone on both design and development. We hope that we can work as a team to collaborate and lean on each other's strengths. 

I feel the next step is to schedule a meeting to review the existing style guide. We can then determine what needs to be updated to meet both Intel's and IBM's needs. We can use the updated style guide to create the theme changes required for the Bootstrap-Vue out of box experience to adhere to the updated style guide.

This effort will require a stronger focus on the framework update and style guide development. When we start working on the framework update, the only updates to the AngularJS UI will be critical bug fixes. Our goal is to have the framework update complete no later than the end of Q2 2020.

What are your thoughts on this plan?