Hello! Yesterday I was fighting with patch-o-matic. It was complaining about "bad substitution" at some line. After few minutes of googling, i found out that runme is bash-based shell. So it requires bash to run. OK, fine. But in header it has #!/bin/sh and it shouldn't. Some distribution (PLD for example) use other shells like pdksh for /bin/sh. Solution is simple - changing #!/bin/sh into #!/bin/bash and everything should be fine. I don't know if I should to report it at bugs.netfilter.org or maybe someone can commit a change to CVS? Thanks. -- Michał Margula, alchemyx@uznam.net.pl, http://alchemyx.uznam.net.pl/ +) "W życiu piękne są tylko chwile" [Ryszard Riedel]