Hi All, The current phosphor-virtual-sensor DbusParam value is from DBus ¡§Value¡¨ property which interface is ¡§xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value¡¨. Because I want to get the property ¡§CriticalHigh¡¨ value on DBus, could I add a new feature ¡§Interface¡¨ property in json file? The property can be ¡§CriticalHigh¡¨ , ¡§CriticalLow¡¨ , ¡§WarningHigh¡¨ or ¡§WarningLow¡¨. The new setting in json likes below. CPU_TEMP will get the property ¡§Value¡¨ in /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/cpu, and CPU_CriticalHigh will get the property ¡§CriticalHigh¡¨ in /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/cpu. "DbusParam" : [ { "ParamName" : "CPU_TEMP", "Desc" : { "Name" : "cpu", "SensorType" : "temperature" } }, { "ParamName" : "CPU_CriticalHigh", "Desc" : { "Name" : "cpu", "SensorType" : " temperature ", ¡§Interface¡¨: ¡§CriticalHigh¡¨ } } ] Thanks. Harvey Wu