Hi all,

I am developing a C++ library that is using gRPC.

To be able to use protoc for generating the stubs I added the following dependencies:

grpc-native \
protobuf-native \

and to link my library with cross-compiled libraries:

   grpc \
   protobuf \

However, linking the library fails with the following error:

ld: /data/jenkins/workspace/e0_mbient_yocto_mbient_manifests_master_downstream/build/tmp/work/cortexa72-mbient-linux/tokenmaster-client/git-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/lib/libgrpc++.so.1.24.3: error adding symbols: file in wrong format

I guess the problem is, that native grpc++ library is used from the "recipe-sysroot-native" directory and thus not the cross-compiled version.

What am I doing wrong? How can I tell Yocto to use the cross-compiled versions?

