Hi, As mentioned in my previous message - which hasn't shown up yet - I'm new to Yocto and thought to try contribute via the docs. I've made my comment on the conversion from DocBook, and this proposal will be impacted by that effort - hopefully a part of the conversion, and in a way that does not block or interfere. The idea I had was to introduce a prose linting tool.  Specifically, [Vale](https://errata-ai.gitbook.io/vale/). Before going into the details, lets first establish if any of the following would be of use/value? It would allow the project to achieve some consistency across paragraphs/pages/documents/repositories. This would become more important if the project decided to exploit [Antora's](https://antora.org) ability to create a document from different repositories. In such a case a repo could ensure its documentation had a closer 'fit' within the wider project documentation by ensuring it passed the same lint settings. After the inital run/port is complete the documentation lint step could be added to the githooks that verify any new commit is green. Thoughts? -- Kind regards Mark Mark Van de Vyver, B.Bus(Hons), PhD(Dist)