Comment # 90 on bug 109955 from
@Sam and @Jaap Buurman

Can you please help and post system info regarding your crash? I hope that with
more detailed reports, we can get better help.


OS Info can be taken from neofetch:
System info:
OS: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Kernel: 5.2.10-1-default
Resolution: 3440x1440
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (16) @ 3.700GHz
Memory: 6308MiB / 64387MiB 

Mesa info can be taken from this command:
glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" 
OpenGL version string: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 19.1.5

Game being played: Eve Online
Native or Wine or Wine+DXVK: Wine+DXVK Directx11

Crash type: Game crash? Full System freeze? System freeze but still can drop to

DMESG output after the crash:
sudo dmesg | grep amdgpu

systemd logs output after the crash (If your system did not freeze and you can
get it before reboot):
sudo journalctl -b | grep amdgpu

systemd logs output after the crash (If your system froze and you get logs
after reboot):
sudo journalctl -b -1 | grep amdgpu

If your distribution does not use persistent systemd logs you can change it
according to your distribution. Example for openSUSE:

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