--- Comment #33 from Joanand --- I confirm that the patch works, screen is NOT scrambled. Unsing my ancient gpupwr-programm to deactivate 9600M, I am able to start xorg-x11 + fluxbox with accleration. Pierre, thank you very much. I have seen that vga-switcheroo does not get started, probably due to the 9600M fallen off the bus. I cannot await your fix for 9600M with acceleration. BR. (In reply to comment #29) > Created attachment 106246 [details] [review] > Temporary patch for 9400M GT acceleration > > Could you please test this patch along with Ilia's one? It should fix > acceleration on the 9400M GT, allowing you to boot without nouveau.noaccel=1 > and to launch X. > > I'll need to refine the patch a bit as it introduces some errors on the > 9600M. > Another patch may be mandatory to get both cards to get along: for now, the > laptop seems to be hitting an infinite loop when launching X with both cards > enabled. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug.