--- Comment #16 from Jamie Macdonald --- I patched my kernel with this diff: to screen the 9400m from being initialized. this: is the dmesg output. (search "jamie") with this patch, my command line is *not scrambled* when I use nouveau.noaccel=1, but crashes without that argument. When I screen the 9600m from being initialized in the same way instead, the console gets scrambled with nouveau.noaccel=1 and crashes without that argument. But, in the case of screening the 9400m, and using nouveau.noaccel=1, I cannot start X - it gives a "No screens found" error. Using that patched kernel, and trying to use the Nvidia proprietary driver fails as well with a "No screens found" error - but the Nvidia driver works when I use the unpatched kernel. And now I'm stuck .. any help? -- You are receiving this mail because: You are the assignee for the bug.