Comment # 9 on bug 74539 from
Has anyone ever "valground" a 32 bit executable on a box which is natively 64
bit, please? This bug is currently making it impossible to run Wow-64.exe:

That in itself isn't an issue - the memory leak occurs with both 32 bit and 64
bit WoW. However, the following command is failing:

$ valgrind --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full /usr/bin/wine
/opt/wine/World\ of\ Warcraft/Wow.exe -opengl -noautoload64bit

with this error:

valgrind: failed to start tool 'memcheck' for platform 'amd64-linux': No such
file or directory

Which I assume means that Valgrind is trying to use 64 bit tools on a 32 bit

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