Comment # 21 on bug 98005 from
Still the same issue with latest patches. I can sometimes get vbr to be
affected as well.

I made a smaller test file, it's re-coded with software to 24 fps as the real
master is /1001 and so would be wrong without an additional patch anyway.

I am just doing repeated decode/encode from/to ram and changing cpu/gpu
settings to get unlucky timing - I guess on a different box you could luck out
of seeing it, just initial testing with raw video input from ram seemed to work
for me.

This transcode seems to be mostly wrong with my cpu on perf and gpu on auto.

for x in $(seq 1 20); do gst-launch-1.0 -f filesrc
location=/mnt/ramdisk/in-24fps.mp4 ! qtdemux ! vaapidecode ! queue !
vaapih264enc rate-control=cbr bitrate=5000 ! video/x-h264,profile=baseline !
filesink location=/mnt/ramdisk/cbr-$x.264; done

in-24fps.mp4 -

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