You have removed the p's from a lot of things that are not structure
fields.  I the beginning you had a specific structure, and it had a field
called pbuf that I suggested to rename as buf.  As part of that renaming,
you should go around and look for the other uses of that structure and
change their refererences to the pbuf field to buf as well.  One way that
can help you do this is to use Coccinelle:

struct thestructure x;

- x.pbuf
+ x.buf

struct thestructure *x;

- x->pbuf
+ x->buf

(I don't remember the name of the structure, so you should fill that in).
Another somewhat reliable way to automate it is to just iteratively compile
the code and fix up the error messages as they occur.  You can also grep
for each use of the structure name, and then look by hand for all
occurrences of the field.  In practice, you may want to use all three

You approach seems to be going into your editor and doing search and
replace of pbuf by buf.  This can cause problems if there are uses of pbuf
that should not change, eg because they come from some other part of the
kernel.  Fortunately this is not very likely, because the rest of the
kernel doensn't use variable names like that.

I still don't understand why you don't end up changing a single .c file.
Either a lot of things are not used or something is wrong.  Did you compile
the code?


I am very sorry. I think , i missed some step in the process
I will use Coccinelle now and figure it out soon and then submit the patch again correctly.