Thanks Belen, Comments below,  On 26 February 2014 at 7:29:05 pm, Barros Pena, Belen ( wrote: And of course I forgot something: sorry about that.  If there are no warnings in a build, the build dashboard is showing a  warnings section saying '0 warnings'. Instead, the warnings section should  not exist when there are no warnings.  Yes, this should be an easy fix. I should’ve noticed this on other prototype pages :), thanks for pointing this out. Cheers  Belén  On 26/02/2014 13:52, "Barros Pena, Belen"   wrote:  >On 26/02/2014 12:13, "Amit Kumar Chaudhary"   >wrote:  >  >>  >>Hello,  >>  >>  >>This is the patch I had been working on, It is complete now and works as  >>expected (as the prototype page), can you please review?  >>  >>  >>  >>r  >>y/errors_warning_on_builddashboard&id=1aaada41ec2129bd9bc31cc591b75f6d9bc  >>b  >>7251  >  >Hi Amit,  >  >From an interface standpoint, this is looking pretty good. I am however  >seeing some mismatch between the number of warnings and the number of  >messages shown in the warnings section. It looks like the number of  >warnings is displaying the overall number of entries in the orm_logmessage  >table.  >  >The number of warnings should be the number of entries in the  >orm_logmessage table with level = 1. The number of errors should be the  >number of entries with level = 2.  >  >Any chance you could verify is this what's is being shown in the  >interface?  Yes, there is a problem, I will take a look. —amit >  >Thanks!  >  >Belén  >  >  >>  >>  >>Thanks!  >>  >>  >>--  >>Amit Kumar Chaudhary  >>  >>  >>  >>On 24 February 2014 at 8:46:21 pm, Amit Kumar Chaudhary  >>( ) wrote:  >>  >>Thanks Alex,  >>  >>  >>"The LogMessage table is designed to hold logs coming from the build  >>process itself²  >>  >>  >>This is the part I was trying to figure out. I have got the handle on how  >>to retrieve the messages from the table, (how those were put in there in  >>the first place is still a mystery),  >> I have added the following code to 'builddashboard(request, build_id)¹  >>function defined in toastergui/  >>  >>  >> context = {  >> 'build' : Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id)[0],  >>- 'recipecount' :  >>Recipe.objects.filter(layer_version__id__in=Layer_Version.objects.filter(  >>b  >>uild=build_id)).count()  >>+ 'recipecount' :  >>Recipe.objects.filter(layer_version__id__in=Layer_Version.objects.filter(  >>b  >>uild=build_id)).count(),  >>+ 'logmessages': LogMessage.objects.filter(build=build_id),  >> }  >> return render(request, template, context)  >>  >>  >>now I can use the logmessages in  >>toastergui/templates/builddashboard.html, using the html code I was  >>trying to re-use below. I have a patch that nearly works, I will clean  >>that up a bit and post it for giving a better picture.  >>  >>  >>Thanks for all the insights.  >>  >>  >>--  >>Amit Kumar Chaudhary  >>  >>  >>  >>On 20 February 2014 at 8:34:36 pm, Damian, Alexandru  >>( ) wrote:  >>  >>Hello,  >>  >>  >>The LogMessage table is designed to hold logs coming from the build  >>process itself, and not logs that result from normal task execution.  >>It is the difference between the output displayed from the bitbake  >>command, and the output from the "make" command in a "do_compile" task.  >>  >>  >>For the latter case, we currently do not hold/save the content of such  >>log files. We do not have yet a strategy on determining what log files  >>are important, and saving everything may be  >> a prohibitive cost in terms of storage.  >>  >>  >>Hope this helps,  >>Alex  >>  >>  >>  >>On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Amit Kumar Chaudhary  >> wrote:  >>  >>Hello,  >>  >>  >>I am just beginning with the toaster and web apps in general, and I am  >>trying to add errors and warning listing to the build dashboard page, as  >>prototyped at  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>I am trying to re-use the following code --  >>  >>  >>  >>{{build.errors_no}}:{% if build.errors_no %}{% for error in logs  >>%}{% if == build %}{% if error.level == 2  >>%}


{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% else  >>%}None{% endif %}  >>  >>  >>from  >>~/poky-contrib/bitbake/lib/toaster/bldviewer/templates/simple_build.html.  >>  >>  >>And, I am expecting the logs, for example at  >>~/poky-contrib/build/tmp/log/cooker/qemux86/20140213120738.log  >>  >>  >>to be read via LogMessage class below  >>  >>  >>class LogMessage(models.Model):  >> INFO = 0  >> WARNING = 1  >> ERROR = 2  >>  >>  >> LOG_LEVEL = ( (INFO, "info"),  >> (WARNING, "warn"),  >> (ERROR, "error") )  >>  >>  >> build = models.ForeignKey(Build)  >> level = models.IntegerField(choices=LOG_LEVEL, default=INFO)  >>‹> message=models.CharField(max_length=240)  >> pathname = models.FilePathField(max_length=255, blank=True)  >> lineno = models.IntegerField(null=True)  >>  >>  >>implemented in ~/poky-contrib/bitbake/lib/toaster/orm/  >>  >>  >>But, I can¹t seem to find the code that does it, reading from the log  >>file to the sqlite table. Could someone please point me to the files/path  >>that might contain this code, or such code for other tables.  >>  >>  >>Thanks!  >>  >>  >>  >>--  >>Amit Kumar Chaudhary  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>_______________________________________________  >>toaster mailing list  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>--  >>Alex Damian  >>Yocto Project  >>  >>SSG / OTC  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>_______________________________________________  >>toaster mailing list  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >>  >  >_______________________________________________  >toaster mailing list  >  >