Hi all, v0.17 ===== After quiet period, the neard user-space counterpart of Linux kernel NFC stack, gets a new release - v0.17. The release includes several fixes (including potential security fixes) and improvements, plus few new features. Source code release: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/nfc/neard.git/tag/?h=v0.17 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/nfc/neard.git/snapshot/neard-0.17.tar.gz Few notes on new names and maintainers ====================================== The neard package was previously maintained Samuel Ortiz and Marcel Holtmann, which were also main contributors. Last years Mark Greer was looking after neard. I joined in 2021, both as a maintainer of Linux kernel NFC stack and the neard. The project development still happens via linux-nfc mailing list but also got a second home on GitHub: https://github.com/linux-nfc/neard Under GitHub I set up also Continuous Integration: https://github.com/linux-nfc/neard/actions Feel free join and hack via both channels. Best regards, Krzysztof