Dear Developers,
I'm asking this question to your list as I think it's related to the internals of XEN.
I have Xen 3.0.4 working on my Dom0 ubuntu feisty system with a patched 2.6.19 kernel. Everything is running fine.  I have several HVM and PV DomUs. I use XDMCP for X, and PulseAudio as Sound Server on my Dom0. PulseAudio runs "high priority" or "realtime" class in my Dom0.
Confirmed on HVM DomUs (will check for PV's), when there's heavy disk activity, I hear sound skipping when I'm playing mp3 file on Dom0 or DomU. This especially occurs on the "Domain Launch", i.e . after xm create command and the BIOS screen. Especially if there's no disk configured or system can't boot from CDROM or disk, this sound skipping heavily occurs and the Dom0 become very unresponsive until I issue xm shutdown command.
PulseAudio never skips when running on a normal kernel.
Is this by design?
Thank you for any clarification,
Best regards,
