I saw this message thread ( https://lists.yoctoproject.org/g/yocto/topic/61257317)  and wondering how can I get this yocto compatible  layer  for marwell kirkwood ?
I want to build a linux ketnel for marwell kirk wood  ( using the sheevaplug.conf for machine) using yocto 2.7.3
I down loaded this layer (https://github.com/kelvinlawson/meta-kirkwood)   this is opnembedded based , however upon building in yocto  it failed with the following message

Entering directory `/home/jojan.vazhaeparampil/workspace/distro/build_zion/tmp/work-shared/sheevaplug/kernel-source'
|   GEN     /home/jojan.vazhaeparampil/workspace/distro/build_zion/tmp/work/sheevaplug-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-kirkwood/2.6.35-rc1-r14/build/Makefile
| make[2]: *** No rule to make target `oldnoconfig'.  Stop.
| make[1]: *** [oldnoconfig] Error 2
| make: *** [sub-make] Error 2
| make: Leaving directory `/home/jojan.vazhaeparampil/workspace/distro/build_zion/tmp/work-shared/sheevaplug/kernel-source'
| ERROR: oe_runmake failed

When I checked the "sheevaplug/kernel-source' directory it is empty ?