Hi All, I am debugging the SOL, the obmc-console-client didn't work. My BMC and host OS runtime environments are: 1, BMC: 1) obmc-console-server is good # systemctl status obmc-console\@ttyVUART0 [[0;1;32m¡ñ[[0m obmc-console@ttyVUART0.service - Phosphor Console Muxer listening on device /dev/ttyVUART0 Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/obmc-console@.service; indirect; vendor preset: enabled) Active: [[0;1;32mactive (running)[[0m since Fri 1998-01-02 19:42:56 UTC; 38min ago Main PID: 1616 (obmc-console-se) CGroup: /system.slice/system-obmc\x2dconsole.slice/obmc-console@ttyVUART0.service ©¸©¤1616 obmc-console-server --config /etc/obmc-console.conf ttyVUART0 Jan 02 19:42:56 haiguang1 systemd[1]: Started Phosphor Console Muxer listening on device /dev/ttyVUART0. 2) /etc/ obmc-console.conf lpc-address = 0x3f8 sirq = 4 local-tty = ttyS0 local-tty-baud = 115200 2, Host OS: redhat 7 # cat /proc/tty/driver/serial serinfo:1.0 driver revision: 0: uart:16450 port:000003F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0 1: uart:unknown port:000002F8 irq:3 2: uart:unknown port:000003E8 irq:4 3: uart:unknown port:000002E8 irq:3 It seemed to lock and output nothing when I run "obmc-console-client" on BMC. And there is nothing in the log /var/log/obmc-console.log Who can tell me how to debug it? Thanks, Xiuzhi