As a regular recipe which miss a checksum on its src uri, you can just let bitbake fetch and output the whole list of missing checksums, then copy paste that into your ${BPN} file. 

Le mer. 5 avr. 2023, 12:15, Enrico Scholz <> a écrit :
Frédéric Martinsons <> writes:

> I'm pretty new to cargo package (and even more with the support of it
> inside yocto) but I read from that the update_crates bitbake task is
> the way to go for those recipes and that cargo bitbake is not
> supported in yocto (see

well, the problem is, that 'cargo-update-recipe-crates' can be only used
to complete the list of crates with their sha256sum entries.

It is not suitable for creating the initial list of crates (which is not
a trivial task).  You have to use something like 'cargo bitbake' for it
(regardless of its maintenance status).
