On 10/22/2013 01:05 PM, Alexander Huemer wrote: > Hi, > > posh has support for functions. Wrong list. posh is a different shell than dash, so there's nothing this list can do to change posh. > > $ f() { echo foo; } > $ f > foo > $ > > Unfortunately I am unable to list the defined functions. > I tried `typeset`, `declare` and `set` without success in posh 0.10.2 on posh tries hard to limit itself to POSIX (harder than dash), and POSIX does not yet define 'typeset', lacks 'declare', and does not require 'set' to list function bodies. Thus, as far as I can see, POSIX doesn't require shells to be able to output function bodies. For posh to provide this, they'd have to give you an extension beyond POSIX; but that goes against the goals of posh. Sorry. -- Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266 Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org