Hi, I am using dash on debian 10 buster (stable release) which according to `dpkg -S dash` is `Version:` evilham encountered a bug where dash eats one line but not in freebsd's shell nor bash attached you can find an example to reproduce it execution of the example in my computer (enableUFWRules is not in new line): ./dash-bug.sh # Enable UFW rules only if requested (it was)enableUFWRules $ bash dash-bug.sh # Enable UFW rules only if requested (it was) enableUFWRules and as extra reference, here you have some workarounds to avoid the bug in your dash script [1] Salut, Pedro [1] failed https://git.sr.ht/~evilham/cdist-evilham/commit/bf65172c8291ec4be712576050bf7a4bcf462017 failed https://git.sr.ht/~evilham/cdist-evilham/commit/1aa8b012200b0160e78a65520175bb224ffc9899 worked https://git.sr.ht/~evilham/cdist-evilham/commit/8996e2b66531e6b54b52207ea5bdf3b71c795656