Hi Andrew, >>> +static inline void l_net_clear_host_bits(uint8_t *address, uint8_t prefix_len, >>> + uint8_t bytes) >> >> I'm not super excited about the naming. What about l_net_prefix_from_address()? > > Ok, I guess host mask is an IPv4 term with the v6 term being interface > ID. l_net_prefix_from_address sounds good, or how about You could also add a separate v4/v6 version instead? Your set only uses this for v6 right now, and you'd be able to drop the bytes parameter? You could also use a static buffer for the return value (or simply a uint32 for the v4 version) and make address in-only instead of in-out. > l_net_mask_prefix? The use of l_net_prefix_from_address() would make it very clear what is happening in netconfig_add_v6_static_address_routes(). l_net_mask_prefix better suites the usage in patch 13, though your original naming also works well here. Question is, if you're already sanitizing & dropping the address portion in netconfig_add_v6_static_routes(), do you even need the use of l_net_clear_host_bits in patch 13? Anyhow, maybe the outcome from this discussion is to just put this into net-private.h for now and we can agree on the name later if this function needs to be exposed into public API. Regards, -Denis