On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 10:47 AM Manuel Quintero Fonseca <manuel@uas.edu.mx> wrote:
Hello, I have been wanting to learn how to use QEMU for the development of the linux kernel, at the kernelnewbies.org page I did not find any information, in google I found this page: https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/blog/2017/01/16/setting-up-qemu-kvm-for-kernel-development/

Following the first examples, it gives me two problems, I hope you can guide me.

$qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`

end Kernel panic - not sysncing: VFS: Unable to mount toor fs on unknown-block(0,0)

aku@openSUSE:~> sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`
[sudo] password for root:
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused

Hi Manuel,

This is because you're not supplying it with a root file system. The article you linked goes on to describe this process, but I've found this blog post[1] to be a bit more concise and easy to follow. It'll show you how to use "mkinitramfs" to make a ramdisk to pass to QEMU alongside the kernel you're trying to boot.

Good luck!


[1] http://nickdesaulniers.github.io/blog/2018/10/24/booting-a-custom-linux-kernel-in-qemu-and-debugging-it-with-gdb/

Thank you
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