I'd be interested to know how this compares to Dawn Foster's work that was presented last year: https://ossna18.sched.com/event/FAON/kernel-mailing-list-collaboration-dawn-m-foster-the-scale-factory

On Thu., May 30, 2019, 22:15 Theodore Ts'o, <tytso@mit.edu> wrote:
On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 04:19:20PM -0600, Shuah Khan wrote:
> We as a community talk code in emails. Do we talk in code at times? How
> effective are we in communicating with each other?
> I would like to propose a topic to explore our communication styles to
> get a better understanding of how effective we are. I am hoping, we
> could become more productive, if we get some insight into whether or not
> we talk in code while we talk code.
> We could do this by inviting Isabella Ferreira, PhD Student in Computer
> Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal to tell us about Sentimine,
> which is a plugin on top of the cregit platform focused on analyzing
> communication in open source communities. It will include a short survey
> focused on analyzing a few emails for clarity and perception.

Hi Shuah,

If the goal is to get Isabella's ideas more exposure, perhaps it would
be better to ask if she would be willing to give a presentation at the
more open Kernel Summit track during the LPC?

It would appear that it's fairly early days for her work, from doing
some web searching, the only thing I could really find was her 2019
Open Source Leadership Summit presentations (slides here[1]) and the
more formal academic paper[2].

[1] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/OSS_Summit_Presentation.pdf
[2] http://mcis.polymtl.ca/publications/2019/SEMotion_2019.pdf

As near as I can tell the talk was not video recorded; which is a
shame, since I wasn't able to pick up from the slide presentation the
same kind of excitement that you clearly have over her work.  I was
also very confused about how cregit (which analyzes code) mentioned in
the last two slides relates to the work described in the first 80% of
the slide deck, which appears to be analyzing mailing list text.

I'd also think that if the goal is to have a conversation about
communication styles, having that discussion with a wider circle might
be more productive.  Or did you have something in mind about some
decision that might get made at the Maintainer's Summit?

                                    - Ted
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