A commonly used SMB3 feature is change notification, allowing an app to be notified about changes to a directory. The SMB3 Notify request blocks until the server detects a change to that directory or its contents that matches the completion flags that were passed in and the "watch_tree" flag (which indicates whether subdirectories under this directory should be also included). See MS-SMB2 2.2.35 for additional detail. To use this simply pass in the following structure to ioctl: struct __attribute__((__packed__)) smb3_notify { uint32_t completion_filter; bool watch_tree; } __packed; using CIFS_IOC_NOTIFY 0x4005cf09 or equivalently _IOW(CIFS_IOCTL_MAGIC, 9, struct smb3_notify) SMB3 change notification is supported by all major servers. The ioctl will block until the server detects a change to that directory or its subdirectories (if watch_tree is set). -- Thanks, Steve