John> Can you tell me what you mean by "per-disk host-managed integrity-checking"? Are you running dm-integrity in your setup? Yes, that’s what I meant. I know that I could manually use IntegritySetup for each RAID member, but that seems very unappealing. John> Can you post the output of: John> lsblk John> so we understand better what you have? Please see the attached text files, although it’s a bit convoluted. “Postulate” devices are part of the RAID that I’d like to transform. If anyone has any recommendations for my setup, I’d be interested to hear them. Maybe I’ll switch to LVMCache someday. :P John> But in any case, good luck with getting RAID6 solid and working as a pure LVM setup. I don’t think you're going to make it happen any time soon, and I honestly prefer to have seperate layers for my setup so that each layer does it's own think and does it well. Thanks. I really don’t want to give up the DM-Integrity management. Less complexity is just a bonus. Alex