On 00:56 Wed 09 Sep 2020, Pavel Machek wrote: >Hi! > >It seems there is quite a lot of efforts porting kernel to various >cellphones. > >Librem 5 and PinePhone have their own hardware, people around Maemo >Leste work with Nokia N900 and Droid 4, there's group working with >Sony cellphones, there are postmarketOS people and there are probably >groups I don't know about. > >I believe some coordination would be useful, so we end up with >compatible solutions for various problems. > >It would be also good to know how ther hardware is progressing. I'd >really like to have phone I could use as a _phone_, running mainline >kernel. So far N900 with original Maemo is closest I could get. > >Would it be possible to create a mailing list on vger.kernel.org? >Probably phones@ or phone-devel@? I believe it would be useful to >cover hardware-dependend pieces of the phone stack (ofono, >modemmanager) as well as kernel. > >Best regards, > > Pavel > That's sounds good and people will have clutter free mailing list of specific thing. The other side would be to have little maintenance headache to maintain that list. But , it is a good thought! Thanks, Bhaskar >-- >(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek >(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html > >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > >iF0EABECAB0WIQRPfPO7r0eAhk010v0w5/Bqldv68gUCX1gMCgAKCRAw5/Bqldv6 >8hCjAJ0UUeO25TWORFOuDeLu9eryN7BzAACfeQaxgX1aqhy1aTcgrIOawZWdz6w= >=63wl >-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----