On Thu, May 09, 2019 at 09:47:08PM +0200, Martin Sperl wrote: > While thinking about this again maybe an idea: > What about implement a second spi_transfer_one implementation (together > with a message pump implementation) that would handle things correctly. > Any driver then can select the old (default) or new implementation and thus > would allow the optimizations to take place only for verified working drivers... I'd rather avoid having yet another interface for drivers to use, people already get confused trying to choose between the ones we already have. It'd have to be something where the existing drivers got actively converted and the old interface retired rather than something that hangs around. > What I would then also like to do for the new implementation is modify the > API a bit - ideally I would like to: > * Make spi_sync the primary interface which the message pump is also > using directly > * move all the prepare stuff early into spi-sync, so that for example the > Preparing (including dma mapping) would get done in the calling thread > And only the prepared message would get submitted to the queue > - special processing would be needed for the spi-async case. IIRC the mapping is deliberately done late in order to minimize the amount of time we're consuming resources for the mapping, there were some systems that had limited DMA channels. However I don't know how big a concern that is in this day and age with even relatively old systems. The idea of spi_async() having a separate path also makes me a bit nervous as it's much less widely used so more likely to get broken accidentially. Otherwise pushing things out to the caller makes sense, it should have no real impact in the majority of cases where the thread is just getting used to idle the controller and the actual work is all happening in the calling context anyway and if the pump is being used it means it's spending more time actually pushing transfers out. For the case where we do have the message pump going one thing it'd be good to do is overlap more of the admin work around the messages with other transfers - ideally we'd be able to kick off the next transfer from within the completion of a DMA. I need to have a dig around and figure out if I have any hardware that can actually support that, last time I looked at this my main system needed to kick everything up to the thread due to hardware requirements.