På må , 08/12/2003 klokka 12:32, skreiv Philippe Troin: > Trond, do you think I should push the patch to Marcelo, or should I > wait for a better fix? No. If I wanted a partial fix, I could just as well have pushed it to Marcelo myself. When I said "feel free" I was referring to pursuing the remaining signalling bugs. I have a feeling the second race case of your test is that you are interrupting the fcntl(F_SETLK) call while it is on the wire. If you do that, then the server may record the lock as taken, but the client will never receive the reply, and so will not know that it must clean up locks... Hmm... For that case, we probably want to have the locking code record the call as having succeeded in order to ensure that we do indeed clear out the lock on process exit. See if the appended patch helps... Cheers, Trond