On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 20:31, Linus Torvalds wrote: > Because nobody actually contacted me about the problem and I read about it > on linux-kernel like everybody else? Because I just got up and created the > patch? And because nobody has an exploit yet, and one may be hard or > impossible to create? And because people who care about these things tend > to not update to x.0 kernels anyway? > Ok, I see your point. though, even that I care about these things, I updated one of my servers to development tree somewhere at 2.5.70~. The reason for me was the major performance difference. > > But I think there's corporations who use 2.6.0 and don't read the lkml. > > They'll get a 2.6.1 soonish. The patch is in the current BK tree, will be > in -rc2, and will be in 2.6.1. Let's just make sure we don't screw up the > release due to being too much in a hurry either.. > Yes, better give it time and not rush. Thanks for your time. -- "Software is like sex, it's better when it's free." Markus Hästbacka