On Sun, 2012-08-26 at 09:06 +0300, Shmulik Ladkani wrote: > root 100m@0 > kernel 100m@100m > rootfs 800m@200m (truncated) > user 0@1g (truncated) > rest 0@1g Who would benefit from having those 2 0-sized partitions and how? How many users/scripts would be confused by this (these 2 ghost partitions would be visible in /proc/mtd and sysfs)? How much RAM would we spend for creating sysfs files and directories for these ghost partitions (note, one sysfs file costs a couple KiB I thing, because 'sizeof (struct inode)'). While you suggestion is clever, do we really benefit from this? -- Best Regards, Artem Bityutskiy