Here's a patch I wrote to allow ftape to compile against 2.4.something. It still works with 2.4.5. I'm not sure if it works entirely (it seems to), but it compiles and seems to work. Enjoy! On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 05:12:31PM +0200, Friedrich Lobenstock wrote: > Hi! > > As the linux-ftape mailing list is gone I'm asking you guys. > > Can someone tell me how to adapt the ftape driver that I can use it > under kernel 2.4.x (x >= 5)? I'm not that into kernel hacking that > I know what changed from 2.2.x to 2.4.x. Below is the output of make. > > BTW why wasn't the newer ftape driver ported to 2.4 but the stone age > ftape driver is still in 2.4? > > PS: Please CC me because I'm not on linux-kernel. -- -Steven In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell