I'm sure I'm just missing something stupid, but google doesn't seem to turn up anything, so... I'm trying to use 2.6.0-test9 on a machine with a USB mouse. With 2.4, I have X configured to use /dev/input/mice (c 13 63) as my mouse pointer, and it works great. With test9, XFree86 fails to start because it can't open the mouse. The error is "xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/ input/mice No such device.". 'cat /dev/input/mice' also gives me "No such device". /dev/input/mouse0 (c 13 32) doesn't work either. I believe all of the relevant modules are loaded and the light on my optical mouse is lit, indicating that it has been powered by the usbmouse driver (as I understand it). Any suggestions as to what might be wrong or how I could investigate it? I'm attaching the output of lsmod, in case it's useful. The test9 build I'm using is the one packaged by Debian. Thanks, Shawn.