On Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 03:24:11PM +0800, Chen-Yu Tsai wrote: > > + [CLK_BUS_MSGBOX] = &bus_msgbox_clk.common.hw, > > A23 manual and Allwinner sources say there is a bus gate for SPINLOCK. > Tested it myself, and it indeed exists. Yes, sorry. It was supposed to be spinlock instead of msgbox. > > + [RST_BUS_SPINLOCK] = { 0x2c4, BIT(22) }, > > Allwinner sources say there is a reset control for MSGBOX. > Tested it myself, and it indeed exists. However, the msgbox is mentionned nowhere in the datasheet. I'd prefer to be able to test that it actually works before adding it to the clock driver. Maxime -- Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering http://free-electrons.com