On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 22:09:42 +0100, Adrian Bunk said: > Are there common reasons why these drivers are not upstream? Well, on my laptop, I'm currently dragging along 3 out-of-tree kernel modules. 2 are well-known binary blobs so it's between me and the vendor, as usual. The third is a USB webcam driver that happened to get caught at the wrong end of the colorspace-conversion-in-kernel bunfight in the V4L playpen. Somebody wants to figure out how to get the gspca drivers into the kernel, they're at http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html waiting for attention. ;) (Don't look at *me*, I don't understand the code, or the bunfight - I just happen to have one of the 244 supported webcams, and it works with that driver)