attached integrate-iscsi-netlink.patch - incorporate the open-iscsi/linux-iscsi netlink interface into the iscsi transport class. This patch also removes the iscsi_host class and breaks the iscsi_transport class into a iscsi_connection and iscsi_session class. The iscsi_host class is removed becuase the open-iscsi/linux-iscsi netlink framework pushes login to usersapce so there is no need to store long strings like the initiatorname and alias in the kernel anymore. And breaking out the session and connection from the old /sys/class/iscsi_transport was necessary becuase the session and connection creation and destruction is driven from userspace and it may end up where you have a session but no scsi target (in which case /sys/class/iscsi_transport would not show up previously). Having the session/connection represented in this case is useful for iscsi async events and their userpace handlers. We followed the FC transport class strategy for the sysfs layout which uses struct devices and driver model transport_classes so the format looks like the following: [root@mina class]# cd iscsi_session/ [root@mina iscsi_session]# ls session2 [root@mina iscsi_session]# cd session2/ [root@mina session2]# ls data_pdu_in_order device first_burst_len initial_r2t max_outstanding_r2t data_seq_in_order erl immediate_data max_burst_len [root@mina class]# cd iscsi_connection/ [root@mina iscsi_connection]# ls connection2:0 [root@mina iscsi_connection]# cd connection2\:0/ [root@mina connection2:0]# ls device header_digest ifmarker max_recv_dlength max_xmit_dlength ofmarker A session's connection is linked by the device links: [root@mina host2]# tree . |-- detach_state |-- power | `-- state `-- session2 |-- connection2:0 | |-- detach_state | `-- power | `-- state |-- detach_state `-- power `-- state We are perfectly fine with adding a different parent of the session or making the class_devices linked rather than the devices or ditching the device usage for kobjects or something else. We were not sure if the FC transport class model was the preferred model for us to follow though. Thanks, Linux-iscsi Team Signed-off-by: Alex Aizman Signed-off-by: Dmitry Yusupov Signed-off-by: Mike Christie