Hi Andre, I have exactly the same problem/symptoms like several other users ! Here is a interesting report that has been made on Viaarena Linux forum by Dam. This bring us useful information and better understanding of the situation : http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.cfm?catid=28&threadid=28308&STARTPAGE=1 --------- SNIP Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:56 PM Hi there. One more guy with the same problem. But I've got a kind of solution, but it is not a good one. Using cdda2wav, you can use the -n option to tell cdda2wav the number of sector to read at a time. I'm able to rip a cd using -n 1 . I can go up to -n 15 then it start hdc: lost interrupt ... Problem is that performance is not great at -n 1. I once contacted the cdrdao author, Andreas, and talk with him about this prog. I ended editing cdrdao sources to try to reduce the number of sector read at a time to 1 (same as for cdda2wav). Problem disappeared but performance were unacceptable. Also there is the option to not write the rip to a file (for debugging purpose), using -N. Using that option, I no more experience problem, but of course, I don't rip anything. So it seemed to me that the problem is related to writing to a disk while ripping. So I tried cdda2wav with -N and at the same time launched a cp -R /usr/src/linux /tmp. Everything happened correctly, slowly but without lost interrupts. I think this is more of a kernel bug then a bios bug (why would it work under windows ?). Searching lkml gives many results with people with this problem, but no solutions. I think we should start bother people on the lkml. ---------- SNIP > I think we should start bother people on the lkml. Well, this has just been done Dam :-) Exactly the same behaviour here... Could Linux Guru's help us ? We have this problem for too long time... Thanks, Laurent ** Please, CC me your answer to LKML ** P.S. Sorry for my double post, but there was a problem in my message title... -- | Laurent Grawet | ON1MGL | | [e-mail] | Home...... mailto:laurent.grawet@ibelgique.com | mailto:on1mgl@ibelgique.com | Office.... mailto:laurent.grawet@fundp.ac.be | | [ax25] | on1mgl@on0cha.#clr.ht.bel.eu _____________________________________________________________________ Envie de discuter en "live" avec vos amis ? Télécharger MSN Messenger http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/m la 1ère messagerie instantanée de France