Hi, I've today taken delivery of a WinTV-HVR-1400 expresscard TV Tuner and got an Oops when I removed from the expresscard slot in my laptop. I will quite understand if the response to this report is "don't do that!", but in that case, how should one remove one of these cards? I have attached three files: 1. the dmesg output from when I rebooted the machine after the oops. I have turned debugging on in the dib700p and cx23885 modules via modules options in /etc/modprobe.d/hvr1400.conf; 2. the .config file for the kernel that oopsed. 3. the text of the oops message. I've typed this up from a photograph of the screen because the laptop was locked up and there was nothing in the log files. Apologies for any typos, but I have tried to be careful. Assuming the answer isn't don't do that, let me know if I can provide any additional diagnostics, test any patches, etc. Please, however, cc me as I'm not subscribed. Chris