Hi Tony, We are using the panda board (es variant) for testing our SDIO based chips. For this we have an adapter card connection to expansion connector A. As this adapter is not publicly available we had internally patched board-omap4panda.c. Also we follow the -rc releases and use TFTP to boot the kernel image which requires USB. Moving to 3.11-rc1 I found that the mentioned board file was removed by your commit: commit b42b918194c4791510ac049e3d507169a7de8544 Author: Tony Lindgren Date: Thu May 30 12:53:05 2013 -0700 ARM: OMAP2+: Remove board-omap4panda.c As our patches on that file are internal I do not hold it against you. This is no regression and we need to fix it. So my first step was to follow the recipe given in that commit. Beside that I noticed a thread about USB issue on LKML so I also applied the following commit: commit 352f573e59050c7a604c35c58b4bbfc51edebbee Author: Roger Quadros Date: Tue Jun 18 19:04:47 2013 +0300 ARM: OMAP2+: Provide alias to USB PHY clock The attached kernel log seems to suggest that the device tree is picked up by the kernel, but the USB does not seem very active. No ethernet connectivity. This does seem a regression to me. Is there some other patch that I need to get it going again? Regards, Arend