On 5/14/20 11:50 PM, Randy Dunlap wrote: > Hi Rob, Um, hi. > You need to send this patch to some maintainer who could merge it. The implicit "if" is "you expect the kernel bureaucracy to merge anything Not Invented Here", and the 3 year gap since the last version is because I stopped: https://landley.net/notes-2017.html#14-09-2017 To be honest I didn't think anyone would notice this. They don't usually: http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/2002.2/00083.html https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-sh/msg56844.html It just seems polite to post things that got shipped to customers. > And it uses the wrong multi-line comment format. Offending comment removed. Rob