On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 04:00:35PM -0600, Madhavan T. Venkataraman wrote: > It is just that patch 11 that defines "select > HAVE_RELIABLE_STACKTRACE" did not receive any comments from you > (unless I missed a comment that came from you. That is entirely > possible. If I missed it, my bad). Since you suggested that change, I > just wanted to make sure that that patch looks OK to you. I think that's more a question for the livepatch people to be honest - it's not entirely a technical one, there's a bunch of confidence level stuff going on. For example there was some suggestion that people might insist on having objtool support, though there's also substantial pushback on making objtool a requirement for anything from other quarters. I was hoping that posting that patch would provoke some discussion about what exactly is needed but that's not happened thus far.