On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 2:14 AM Joerg Vehlow <lkml@jv-coder.de> wrote:
Why is this even split up into two asm instructions?
I guess there is nothing, that prevents the compiler from reordering the
asm instructions, because it does not know, that they have side effects
(they are not marked volatile).

asm volatile ("syscall" : : "a"(__NR_tkill), "D"(pid), "S"(SIGHUP):
"rax", "rcx", "r11");

I tried this and clang complains that the "Asm-specifier for input or output variable conflicts with asm clobber list" for rax.  Should it be

  asm volatile ("syscall" : : "a"(__NR_tkill), "D"(pid), "S"(SIGHUP) : "rcx", "r11");

instead?  Is it implicit that __NR_tkill is going into rax so it will be clobbered?
