

With all LTTng versions being 2.11.0 I have the following problem:


lttng-sessiond -d

lttng-relayd -d


lttng create example –set-url=net://localhost/test


lttng create example --live –set-url=net://localhost/test


lttng create example –set-url=file:///home/<user>/lttng-traces/test


lttng enable-channel -u ch

lttng enable-event -u -a -c ch -s example

lttng start example


(traces are written to ~/lttng-traces/<host>/test)


lttng stop example

lttng save example

lttng destroy example

(remove lttng-traces/<host> for testing purposes)


lttng load example

lttng start example


(traces now exist in ~/lttng-traces/<host>/example-<timestamp>)


This is, for me, reproducible 100% of the time. I can reproduce the steps using the Trace Compass control view as well. If I override the session name and url, the problem persists.


The .lttng file seems valid (attached). This issue exists whether I use an existing .lttng file from 2.9 (which never showed this problem), or whether I create a new one like above.


Is this intended behavior? If not, any idea what could be happening here? Is this reproducible by others?


