Only one month left to propose a presentation for LAD21!

Just take a few minutes to write a short summary on this portal:


We will be grateful! This year, speakers will be rewarded with a great exclusive goodie of LAD'21!



We invite members of the Lustre community to send proposals for a 20-25min presentation about:

    - feedback / news about a particular Lustre feature;

    - a good Lustre success (/ failure) story;

    - tools of the Lustre ecosystem;

    - administration experiences, configuration, tunings...


Pre-recorded presentations will be aired online from September 28th to September 30th. A chat platform will make it possible to ask questions to presenters and discuss with other members of the Lustre community.


About LAD

Lustre Admins & Devs Workshop is a great opportunity for Lustre worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more. It usually takes place in Europe/France, but due to the current pandemic context, it takes place in the form of a webinar (free of charge).


More information about LAD21:


Best regards,
