Hi! The Netfilter project proudly presents: nftables 0.9.2 This release contains fixes and new features, available up with Linux kernels >= 5.3-rc. * Transport header port matching, e.g. add rule x y ip protocol { tcp, udp } th dport 53 This allows you to match on transport protocols with ports regardless the layer 4 protocol type. You can also use this from sets, maps and concatenations, e.g. table inet filter { set myset { type ipv4_addr . inet_proto . inet_service } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept; ip daddr . ip protocol . th dport @myset } } * Allow to restore expiration for set elements: add element ip x y { timeout 30s expires 15s } * Match on IPv4 options, e.g. add rule x y ip option rr exists drop You can also match on type, ptr, length and addr fields of routing options, e.g. add rule x y ip option rr type 1 drop lsrr, rr, ssrr and ra IPv4 options are supported. * Use prefix and ranges in statements, e.g. iifname ens3 snat to iifname ens3 snat to * Allow for variables in chain definitions, e.g. define default_policy = accept add chain ip foo bar { type filter hook input priority filter; policy $default_policy } also when specifying chain priority, either numeric or literal: define prio = filter define prionum = 10 define prioffset = "filter - 150" add table ip foo add chain ip foo bar { type filter hook input priority $prio; } add chain ip foo ber { type filter hook input priority $prionum; } add chain ip foo bor { type filter hook input priority $prioffset; } * synproxy support, e.g. table ip x { chain y { type filter hook prerouting priority raw; policy accept; tcp dport 8888 tcp flags syn notrack } chain z { type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept; tcp dport 8888 ct state invalid,untracked synproxy mss 1460 wscale 7 timestamp sack-perm ct state invalid drop } } This ruleset above places the TCP port 8888 behind the synproxy. * conntrack expectations via ruleset policy, e.g. table x { ct expectation myexpect { protocol tcp dport 5432 timeout 1h size 12 l3proto ip } chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; ct state new tcp dport 8888 ct expectation set myexpect ct state established,related counter accept } } This ruleset creates an expectation on TCP port 5432 for each new TCP connection to port 8888. This expectation expires after 1 hour and the maximum number of expectation that are pending to be confirmed are 12. * The libnftables library only exports only public symbols. * ... and bug fixes. See ChangeLog that comes attached to this email for more details. You can download it from: http://www.netfilter.org/projects/nftables/downloads.html#nftables-0.9.2 ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/nftables/ To build the code, libnftnl 1.1.4 and libmnl >= 1.0.3 are required: * http://netfilter.org/projects/libnftnl/index.html * http://netfilter.org/projects/libmnl/index.html Visit our wikipage for user documentation at: * http://wiki.nftables.org For the manpage reference, check man(8) nft. In case of bugs and feature request, file them via: * https://bugzilla.netfilter.org Happy firewalling!