hi, while fuzzing iptables-restore input with afl [0], i found a very old and known crash to be still existent, there was even a mailing list discussion [1][2] about it instead of fixing the real cause, the restore input was parsed for "-t" and "--table", however this was not enough and the error could still be triggered by e.g. "-vtnew" please consider/review my two attached patches the first patch is fixing the segfault less intrusively and the second one removes the insufficient "-t" check [0] http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/ [1] http://lists.netfilter.org/pipermail/netfilter-devel/2001-September/005638.html [2] http://lists.netfilter.org/pipermail/netfilter-devel/2001-October/005840.html best regards felix