On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 2:49 AM khader basha shaik <shaikkhaderbasha601@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team,

I have a custom library and need to integrate it with openbmc.The library provides various output related to system information.
I need this information to show up in phosphor-webUI.

In my understanding we need to register it with dbus interface.
So I need to integrate my custom library with dbus. 

But I do not have much information about where to start?

Any help or information on this would be really helpful.

If you point us to the code for the library you're wanting to integrate, as well as what you're hoping to see as a result we can probably give you better advice.  As is, your request is quite vague, and I'm personally finding it very hard to answer with non-generic advice.  The openbmc documentation is a pretty good place to start in your case.  Once you have some handle on it, put the code up somewhere that we can see it, and we'll be able to give you more specific advice on where to go from there.
