Dear all,

    I try to add upgrading CPLD firmware with in phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt. I follow the way to upgrade BIOS - which means I create two functions for handling property value changes on D-Bus "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.BMC.Updater" and upgrading CPLD firmware. This part works find, I can actually upgrade CPLD firmware. I can upgrade CPLD firmware many times I want without problems. But I found an issue about upgrading BMC firmware; after I success upgrading CPLD firmware, I always got an error if I try to upgrade BMC firmware. I always got "Remote peer disconnected" error.

    My design about upgrading CPLD is following the steps for upgrading BIOS. I'm quite surprised to see upgrading BMC will failed after I upgrading BMC. Does anyone can give me some hints for tracing this issue? I can provide more information if you need.

Best Regards

    Yi-Fan Lee