Hi, The Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader devroom will take place on Sunday, 7th February 2021 at FOSDEM, virtual. Call for Participation ---------------------- We are opening the call for participation to our devroom, with the deadline for talk proposals set to Sunday, 20th December 2020 23:59:59 UTC. Devroom Scope ------------- The devroom will focus on various topics related to the open source firmware, BMC and bootloaders including security issues. It will help to get together all interested people in one place, present and discuss current developments and issues haunting the community. Additionally, it will foster awareness among attendees about pre-OS topics. Possible topics: GRUB, TrustedGRUB, iPXE, TrenchBoot, coreboot, LinuxBoot, SeaBIOS, UEFI, OVMF, TianoCore, hostboot, IPMI, OpenBMC, u-bmc, TPM, attestation, security of firmware, BMC, bootloaders and related topics and technologies. Ideal submissions are actionable and opinionated. Submissions may be in the form of 25 or 45 minutes talks, panel sessions or round-table discussions. Dates ----- Submission Deadline:     20-Dec-2020 @ 23:59:59 UTC Acceptance Notification: 31-Dec-2020 Final Schedule Posted:   31-Dec-2020 Recording and uploading presentations: 04-Jan-2021 - 16-Jan-2021 Processing, reviewing, fixing videos:  17-Jan-2021 - 31-Jan-2021 How to submit -------------- Visit https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM21 1) If you do not have an account, create one here 2) Click "Create Event" 3) Enter your presentation details 4) Be sure to select the Open Source Firmware,    BMC and Bootloader devroom track! 5) Submit What to include --------------- - The title of your submission - A 1-paragraph abstract - A longer description including the benefit of your talk to your target   audience, including a definition of your target audience - Approximate length/type of submission (talk, BoF, ...) - Links to related websites/blogs/talk material (if any) Administrative Notes -------------------- Since the FOSDEM21 is going virtual, the talks will be prerecorded. We will be streaming the recordings and performing live Q&A of the Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader devroom. Presenting at FOSDEM implies permission to record your session and distribute the recording afterwards. All videos will be made available under the standard FOSDEM content license (CC-BY). If you have any questions, feel free to contact the devroom organizers:   Daniel Kiper (daniel.kiper at oracle.com) and   Michał Żygowski (michal.zygowski at 3mdeb.com). Daniel & Michał