On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 1:50 AM Andreas Müller <schnitzeltony@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 4:17 PM Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW: I've fixed some bigger layers where pkgconfig was causing quite a few build failures,
Had an off-oe time due to  heavy work load.
Think this one is the reason for the pkgconfig patch flood. You are
aware that there are packages not failing at build time for missing
pkgconfig but build output is different and bugs will pop up at

To avoid responsible maintainers have to go through EVERY recipe (and
combination of PACKAGECONFIGs) and check if builds are still as
expected - Can't believe it!

Not sure why this seems targeted to me.

Yes I've tried to fix whatever issues this change caused in my world builds and I'm partially responsible for pkgconfig patch flood, because I wanted layers like meta-ros/*, meta-qt5, meta-qt6, meta-webosose/* to stay compatible with oe-core whenever this change from RP is merged to master.

I've also tried to compare buildhistory and image content (for ros-image-world with ros1-melodic) to see if I can spot more cases of non-fatal build output changes as in collada-dom and unfortunately there is a lot of noise in buildhistory (due to many recipes included in this image not really build-reproducible), so I've used mostly installed-package-sizes.txt file to spot 2 more recipes where the size was different (but both don't seem to be caused by pkgconfig-native in the end).

I did both builds from scratch without sstate, so I would assume that it will catch all possible cases, but surprisingly just yesterday I've caught another missing pkgconfig-native in one of meta-ros1-melodic recipes (caught in kirkstone based build - while before I was testing on top of a bit older honister with this change cherry-picked just for test - to prepare recipes to be future-proof for kirkstone).
