On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 9:52 AM Damien Hedde <damien.hedde@greensocs.com> wrote:

On 9/27/21 18:55, John Snow wrote:
> Hiya,
> I'd like to propose that at least the three of us arrange a time to have
> a meeting where we discuss our plans and ideas for QAPI going forward,
> including rust, python, and golang extensions to the QAPI generator,
> what we hope to accomplish with those projects, and so on.
> What I am hoping to get out of this for myself is a high-level overview
> of people's plans for QAPI and to produce some notes on those plans so
> that I can have a reference that we've all acknowledged as roughly
> accurate to be able to keep the community's design goals for QAPI in
> mind as I continue my own development. Ultimately, I'd like some kind of
> rough draft of a "QAPI roadmap".
> I know there was a rust meetup during KVM Forum, but I was unable to
> attend due to the timing. I'd like to expand the focus a little more
> broadly to QAPI in general and discuss our "personal" roadmaps, goals,
> queued work, etc so that we can collaboratively formulate a broader
> vision of our work.
> I'm posting to qemu-devel in case anyone else has an interest in this
> area and would like to eavesdrop or share opinions, but we should
> probably come up with an agenda first. So:

I would be interested too.

My current topic of interest is somewhat distant (roughly: "remote"
machine assembly) but I would like to better understand the QAPI roadmap.

The area that greensocs is working on is of direct interest to me as well: I want 100% QEMU configuration via QMP.

(And then either I drop the command line, or re-architect the CLI such that it is 100% a mapping onto equivalent QMP, or ... something. It's been a somewhat hot topic at times, but 100% QMP configuration seems like where the meat of the work is, anyway. Everything after that is kinda just 'details'.)