Hi, all: I am happy to announce b4 version 0.5.2, which is a bugfix and stability improvement release. Everyone must upgrade (TM). To upgrade using pip: pip install --upgrade --user b4 Or you can just run it from the stable-0.5.y checkout. Shortlog for v0.5.2 is below: Konstantin Ryabitsev (8): Up the version to 0.5.2-dev Fix regression with oddball charsets Fix crash with unbalanced [] in subject Fix crash when -c used with incomplete series Deal with [PATCHvX] subjects Fix attestation error messages Support mbox -m to be a maildir Prepare for 0.5.2 release Kyle Meyer (2): Fix basement detection for empty commit message bodies Fix handling of single-paragraph commit message bodies Tudor Ambarus (2): man: Drop the apostrophe from the linkmask configuration man: Update commit url mask to contain 12 chars of ID Thanks to the following people for contributing to this release: - Kyle Meyer - Tudor Ambarus - Mark Brown - Christian Brauner Best regards, -K